Monday, 17 August 2009


In a recent post, I blogged about consistency. One common misconception is that consistency means staying the same or is an excuse for never changing. On the contrary. Consistency is vital. Consistent refinement of your proposition is also vital. Staying true to the messages you have already communicated to the market whilst refining the message and the offer to take account of the changes in your customers and prospects.

Your offer to your market should be constantly reviewed. You must take soundings from customers and prospects as well as from people who choose not to spend money with you. Use the insight that you gain from this process to refine details of your value proposition and to ensure that you stay ahead.

You already have a process to ensure that you gather insight from customers? Take that insight that you already gather and make it work for your proposition. Check that you have updated your offer to take account of the continuous learning that your customers and prospects will be undertaking - just from working with you already. Make a conscious effort to refine your products and services when the time is right.

If you are channelling your sales efforts in a new direction, are you using standard products or have you customised the offer in some way to better meet the needs of your new target customer?

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